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6 Things you didn’t know about ghosts

Why do ghosts seem to be more active at night?

Some say that when we use fewer electronic devices, we are more likely to detect ghosts in our surroundings.

How will you spot a ghost?

The telltale signs that there is a ghost around you,

The temperature in the room cools down gradually.
Your pets start behaving strangely. Staring at a certain point, crying for no reason, running in panic, experiencing anxiety when you leave the house.
You will hear the sound of soft whispers when in fact you are alone, and no one is close to you.
Doors can open and close on their own.
An unexplained smell will fill the space.
You will feel that someone is watching you but in reality you are alone without anyone else in the room.



Can spirits affect you mentally, physically and emotionally?


The spirit has the ability to physically attack you. A ghost can also have the ability to affect you emotionally through extreme mood swings. A spirit can also manipulate you mentally and challenge you through controlling your reality.

Do ghosts have the ability to manipulate objects?


A spirit can manipulate an inanimate object. A wind can open and close doors, throw items, move items from one place to another, and even operate electric lights.


Are there more haunted places than others?

There are scientific theories that prove it is.

Locations that experience a large amount of death or birth change the energy balance.

Places like hospitals, battlefields, or sites of gruesome deaths emit a stronger energy into the world.

The next time you decide to rent or purchase a home, it would be wise to inquire about the history of the property.


If a person was evil in his life, after his death will he become a good ghost?


When a person dies, whether he is a rapist, a murderer, his moral guidance in life will not change and make his nature angelic because he is now dead.

Simply put, someone who is evil in life will also be evil after his death.

Please note, this is not a ‘demon’ but a ghost that reflects the evil of that person in his life. It is very rare to be attacked by a ‘demon’.

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