From fantasy to reality – your way to get everything you want and especially everyone you want!

Does He Act Differently With Me Than With Other Women?


This channelling will uncover whether you are truly special to him as he claims or just another person on his list.
The channelling will give your insight into his true feelings, helping you understand if you hold a unique place in his heart.
My unique service is designed to reveal the truth and show you if you share a special connection or not.

This unique channelling service is designed for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of their relationship and receive answers about their partner’s true feelings. The service is particularly suited for the following situations,


  • At the beginning of a new relationship – Individuals who want to ensure they are seen as someone special and strengthen the foundations of the relationship effectively.
  • In long-term relationships – Those looking to verify if their partner’s feelings remain as special as they once were.
  • Women experiencing uncertainty in their relationship – Seeking to understand their place in their partner’s heart and ensure they are appreciated.
  • After a breakup – Those wanting closure and to know if they were truly important and special to their ex.
  • Emotional clarity – Individuals searching for clarity about their position in the relationship.
  • Emotional clarity – Clear understanding of his feelings toward you, helping you know where you stand in the relationship.
  • Feeling of uniqueness – Knowing if you are truly special to him and different from other women in his life.
  • Strengthening the bond – Using this information to deepen and strengthen the emotional connection.
  • Informed decisions – Making smart decisions about the future of the relationship based on understanding his true feelings.
  • Personal empowerment – Strengthening your self-confidence and sense of uniqueness, positively affecting all your relationships.

Upon completing the purchase on the website, a dedicated order page will open, where you will find comprehensive instructions for providing the necessary details to begin working on your order.

I kindly ask that you attach a clear photo of your face. Additionally, if you wish to include specific individuals in the reading, I would appreciate receiving their photos as well.

The photos help create a connection and enhance the accuracy of the communication process.

It is essential to provide a photo in order to give you an accurate and personalized reading.

Without a picture I wouldn’t be able to perform the channeling.

I believe that the channeling service can provide you with important information and guidance.

By following the guidelines mentioned above, we can ensure a more meaningful and accurate reading tailored to your specific needs.

As soon as I receive your order confirmation and details, I will immediately begin working on the desired communication, and you will receive the response on the date you selected.

In the current service, I offer concise and focused answers without providing future visions or in-depth responses. Please note the following important information:

  • Short Answer Format

My channeling service is designed to provide you with short and direct answers to specific questions or concerns. I strive to offer clarity and insight within a limited scope.

  • No Future Predictions

Please note that my channeling readings do not include future predictions. Instead, I focus on providing guidance and understanding in the present moment.

  • No Follow-up Questions

Due to the nature of the short channeling service, follow-up questions cannot be asked after receiving the initial answer. The response you receive will be final and complete within the limits of the short answer format.

  • Opinion-Based Answers

Please note that the answers you receive during the reading are based on my intuitive insights, opinions, and messages. While I strive to offer accurate and helpful information, it is important to remember that the messages are not guaranteed to be 100% accurate. It is always recommended to use your judgment and discernment after receiving the guidance provided.

All shared information is handled with utmost discretion and is transmitted to me directly for personal attention and care. Your privacy and confidentiality are paramount throughout the magical journey we embark on together. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out at any time. I am always here to support you in any way.

I’m here to provide you with insights and personal guidance in a discreet and confidential manner.

  • Confidentiality

I assure you that all information shared during the reading will be kept in strict confidence. Your privacy is my top priority, and I promise to handle your personal details with the utmost respect and discretion.

  • Question Limitation

To give each reading the proper attention it deserves, I request that you limit your questions to a maximum of two topics. This allows us to focus on specific areas and provide detailed, insightful answers that effectively address your concerns.

  • Written Channeling

The channeling will only be in writing. All the information and messages you receive will be conveyed in a clear, written format. This written format allows you to revisit the messages at any time, gain a deeper understanding, and review the information conveniently.

  • Safety in Channeling

It is important to clarify that the process of channeling poses no danger to you or your loved ones. In the service I offer, I do not communicate with deceased individuals, nor do I provide insights on topics related to death.

  • Answers Based on Opinions

The answers you receive are based on my intuitive messages, insights, and opinions. While I strive to provide accurate and helpful information, it’s important to remember that the messages are not guaranteed to be 100% accurate. It is always advisable to use your own judgment and discernment after receiving the guidance.

If you have any further questions or concerns, I am here to support you throughout the entire process.

How curious are you to know the answer?



said they felt in control


said they gained valuable insights into their partner’s true feelings


said they experienced a deeper emotional connection with their partner


said they made more informed decisions about the future of their relationship


said they would use the service again

Your Recommendations



האם איתי הוא מתנהג אחרת מאשר עם כל הנשים האחרות?

תודה על המילים היפות והחמות בדיוק חושבת ככה עליייך מלאך בדמות אדם❤️ See Translation

Thank you for the beautiful and warm words, that's exactly how I think of you, an angel in human form ❤️

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Questions and Answers

Channeling is a way for humans to interact with other physical and spiritual entities. It transcends our conventional notions of space and time.

People turn to channeling as a way to find spiritual guidance and gain deep insights that are not available through ordinary means. They seek answers to important questions in their lives, make informed decisions, and receive emotional support in complex situations. Channeling can also be a way to connect with loved ones who have passed away, receive personal validations, and clarify inner feelings that are difficult to articulate. The process provides calmness, peace, and tools to cope with everyday challenges, while enhancing the individual’s spiritual and personal awareness.

I perform channeling sessions for clients with the aim of helping them find answers to their personal questions and guiding them on their spiritual path. During the channeling session, I open my consciousness and connect with spiritual guides or higher souls to receive relevant messages and insights. This process requires a high level of concentration, patience, and a special sensitivity to provide you with the most accurate and meaningful guidance. My goal is to help you clarify the issues that concern you, instill confidence and peace in your mind, and develop your spiritual awareness.

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Suggested Price: $27.00
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