From fantasy to reality – your way to get everything you want and especially everyone you want!

Emotional Balance Spell


You can’t stop thinking about him, but he’s only absorbed in himself?
How do you change the situation?
This spell will help you stop obsessing over him and thinking about him all day long.
It’s important to remember that you are an independent person with your own interests and life.
Reclaim your power and what mattered to you before you became obsessed with his attention.

The spell is suitable for anyone who feels that thoughts about a certain person are preventing them from living a calm and full life. Additionally, the spell is perfect for the following situations,


  • For people in tense relationships – If you feel like you’re fixated too much in one direction, the spell can help restore your equanimity.
  • For women who have broken up with a partner – If you’re struggling to let go of an ex-partner, the spell can help you focus more on yourself and your own path.
  • For people with low self-confidence – If you feel your self-confidence has been impacted by a relationship, the spell can help you restore what makes you unique.
  • For people who feel obsessive – If you find you’re no longer engaging in your interests and instead only thinking about them, the spell can help you rebalance the situation.
  • For those seeking control in their personal lives – The spell is designed for anyone who wants to regain control of their life and focus on what truly matters.
  • Peace of Mind – The spell will help you stop incessantly thinking about the person troubling you, allowing you to concentrate more on yourself.
  • Increased Self-Confidence – With the help of the spell, you can regain the self-confidence you lost due to the strained relationship.
  • Ability to Focus on Important Things – The spell will enable you to return to interests and activities that were important to you before you became obsessed with someone else.
  • More Tranquil Life – The spell will reduce the anxieties and stresses arising from obsessive thoughts, allowing you to live a more peaceful and calm life.
  • Control Over Your Life – With the spell, you can regain control of your life and focus on yourself and what you truly want to achieve.

Nine out of ten people see results within the first three weeks, but it’s important to remember that this varies from person to person.

The power of the spell works on its own timing – luck may change at unexpected moments. Those who cultivate their patience and remain open to changes will reap the most significant rewards.

The process requires an image and the name of you and the person/people you want to cast the spell on – without a photo, the spell cannot be performed!

Upon completing the purchase on the website, a special order page will immediately open. On this page, you will find precise instructions for filling in the essential details, which will allow the work to begin.

After receiving order confirmation and providing all the necessary details, I will immediately proceed with performing the spell.

Every detail you provide will be kept in complete confidentiality and will go directly to my personal care. I am fully committed to your privacy and confidentiality every step of the way.

Do you have questions?

Do not hesitate to reach out – we are here to support you throughout the entire process.

The strength of the spell refers to the level of power and efficiency of the actions performed.

A higher grade means applying powerful energetic pressure, which forces the energetic field to overcome strong resistances and achieve remarkable and rapid results.

This power pushes the boundaries and helps you achieve your goals more accurately and efficiently. The spell can be purchased in a variety of strength levels, each corresponding to the level of impact you are seeking in your life.

The higher the strength level, the stronger the spell will act, with faster and more lasting results.

At any level you choose, you will see results, but the intensity of the impact will vary from level to level. Each level of the spell can be upgraded with different imprints – soul imprint, state imprint, or phantom seal.

Each of these imprints is available for separate purchase and significantly boosts the spell’s power

  • Protection Spell Each spell is accompanied by a discreet protection spell to ensure that individuals do not realize a spell has been cast upon them.
  • Non-Fading Spell While the energy of the spell may slightly diminish over time, it does not entirely dissipate.
  • Spell Termination Once initiated, it is impossible to halt the spell. This energy operates independently, and attempting to stop it may yield adverse outcomes. There is no method to cancel the spell once work has commenced.
  • Spell Removal In the event of regret after the spell’s completion, you may purchase a spell to remove blockages and enchantments, effectively cleansing the prior work.
  • Instructions for Spell Seekers No action is required on your part for the spell’s operation, other than providing relevant details such as a photo and name.
  • Work Privacy I do not send pictures of the work I perform. Any details you provide will be kept completely confidential and will be directly managed by me.
  • No 100% Success Guarantee It is crucial to emphasize that there is no guarantee of complete success for the spell. The results vary from person to person and depend on numerous factors, including personal energies and external events beyond our control.
  • No Refunds I invest all my expertise and energy into spells, thus refunds are not possible for the service provided. It is essential to understand that this is a spiritual process, and the energies invested are non-recoverable. I am committed to offering the best and most accurate service possible.
  • Personal Responsibility Clients requesting a spell must understand they bear personal responsibility for the outcomes. The spell’s effects operate in the energy plane, not the physical plane, so it is crucial to be aware that results are not guaranteed.
  • Slim Chance of Failure Although there is no 100% guarantee of success, instances of spell failure are very rare. These spells are based on ancient, effective methods tested through numerous trials. When successful, the impact is profound.



said they found peace of mind and spent less time on obsessive thoughts about that person


said they managed to regain their self-confidence


said they managed to focus on truly important things and reclaimed interests they had given up on in the past


said they felt more tranquil life and a decrease in levels of anxiety and stress


said they regained control over their personal lives

How Strong Do You Want Your Spell?

Your Recommendations



לחש שוויון נפש

התחלתי לצאת עם בחור חדש, וקצת 'עפתי ממנו' יותר מידי על ההתחלה והתחלתי להרגיש חוסר איזון כוחות, ממש לא רציתי להרגיש זאת שרוצה יותר בקשר אלא שיעוף עליי כמוני ולהעביר אליו קצת את האובסס.. אז לקחתי לחש שוויון נפש אצל דיקלה הקוסמת ובאותו יום שהלחש הסתיים כבר התחלתי להרגיש יותר עוצמה ושאני זו מאחורי ההגה שוב בקשר שלנו!! מדהימה See Translation

I started dating a new guy, and I "flew away from him" a little too much at the beginning and I started to feel an imbalance of power, I really didn't want to feel that he wanted more in the relationship but that he would fly over me like me and transfer a little of the obsession to him.. So I took an equanimity spell from Dikla the sorceress and on the same day that the spell ended I already started to feel more powerful and that I am the one behind the wheel again in our relationship!! amazing

לחש שוויון נפש

אמרת לי לתפוס מרחק ולא לשלוח הודעות וכך בדיוק עשיתי וכמובן שהלחש שוויון נפש עוד יותר עזר לי לשמור על איפוק והפחית לי את המחשבות והחרדות והאובססיה בצורה משמעותית! See Translation

You told me to keep my distance and not to send messages and that's exactly what I did and of course the equanimity spell helped me keep my composure and reduced my thoughts, anxiety and obsession significantly!

לחש שוויון נפש

אני חייבת לומר לך לגבי הלחש שוויון נפש שלקחנו לפני כמה ימים שאני שמחה שעשינו את זה כי אני מרגישה הרבה יותר טוב והרבה יותר בשליטה על עצמי ועל כל מה שקשור אליו 🙏🏻 תודה לבורא עולם על שהכרתי אותך טינקרבל שלי !!!!! אוהבת אותך ומאחלת לך יום מושלם וקסום כמוך 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚 See Translation

I have to tell you about the equanimity spell we took a few days ago that I'm glad we did it because I feel much better and much more in control of myself and everything related to it 🙏🏻 Thank God for knowing you my Tinkerbell!!!!! I love you and wish you a perfect and magical day like you

לחש שוויון נפש

אני שמחה שאני מרגישה שירד לי ממנו שוויון נפש זה מה שהייתי צריכה

לחש שוויון נפש

טוב תקשיבי הלחשים שלך עובדים! לגבי החמוד הנשוי שלי אז אנחנו יותר בקשר אני כבר לא מתוסכלת וחולמת עליו בלילות . נרגעתי! החלטתי שברגע שאכיר מישהו שאחרי פגישה אחת ( לא שתיים ) אבין שזה מתאים, אפנה אליך. כשהכל עוד טרי. .את אלופה ואני שמחה שהכרנו See Translation

Well listen your spells are working! As for my married boyfriend, we are more in touch, I am no longer frustrated and dream about him at night. I calmed down! I decided that as soon as I meet someone who after one meeting (not two) I will understand that it is suitable, I will contact you. When everything is still fresh. You're a champion and I'm glad we met

לחש שוויון נפש

כל אחת חייבת לעשות לעצמה טובה חייבת להמליץ לכולן על *לחש שיווין נפש* עשיתי את הלחש על עצמי. כי כרגע אני לא בקשר עם הגבר שאנחנו עושות עליו פעולות. הזמן הזה בנפרד גורם לי לתחושות של פחד וחרדה ומחשבות בלתי פוסקות. הלחש שזה רק היום השני שלו! כבר פועל עלי. ישנתי מעולה, הרגשה של הכל יהיה בסדר. החרדה התחלפה בתחושת שלווה. המחשבות וההרגשה הלא נעימה מתפוגגת. וזה מעולה בשבילי. כי מצאתי את עצמי מתעסקת בו במקום בלהרים לעצמי. מפה, אני משחררת שליטה לידיים של דיקלה ומתעסקת במה שחשוב. בי. וזה נותן לי נחת רוח! תודה דיקלה נשמתי! See Translation

Everyone must do themselves a favor Must recommend to everyone *whisper that will bring peace* I cast the spell on myself. Because right now I'm not in contact with the man we're working on. This time apart gives me feelings of fear and anxiety and incessant thoughts. The spell is only his second day! Already working on me. I slept great, feeling that everything will be fine. The anxiety was replaced by a feeling of peace. The unpleasant thoughts and feeling fade away. And that's great for me. Because I found myself dealing with him instead of picking it up for myself. From now on, I release control to the hands of Dikla and deal with what is important. in me. And it gives me pleasure! Thank you Dikla my soul!

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Questions and Answers

A spell is a magical text spoken or written to achieve a specific result. It can be a spell for enhancing health, good luck, love, protection, and more. Spells are backed by the belief in their power to channel energies and alter circumstances or fates in the physical world. Spells may also include physical components like herbs, stones, or symbols to boost their effectiveness.
People turn to spells because it is the most secure and efficient way to achieve immense success in life. It increases your chances of bringing about a positive outcome, whether in your career, personal life, relationships, and more.
The energy of a spell can significantly boost your success rates in any area – whether you are seeking love, a job, friends, or just peace of mind. Spells can illuminate your life and open up opportunities in general, turning situations in your favor.

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