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Diary of A Spell-caster – A Twisted Tale of Love

Love will always remain a puzzle to me. It makes us do strange things — from changing our personalities to our lifestyles. It’s probably one of the strongest forces of nature, but sometimes, it’s just not enough to mask who we truly are.


One of my clients reinforced this aspect of love when he came to me with a unique situation.


He had a woman in his life who loved him to bits. She accepted him the way he was — the good, bad and the ugly. Both of them had a deep love and admiration for each other and were in a strong romantic relationship. However, the man had an innate fear of missing out on life. He always felt there was something better out there, but didn’t want to break up with his partner.


She was the love of his life and couldn’t bear the thought of being separated from her.



His job entailed working at nightclubs, which allowed him to meet new women everyday. Over time, he began cheating on his partner with women he’d met at the club. In the beginning, his partner thought it was a temporary setback and believed it wouldn’t happen again. When this became the norm, their relationship strained. After all, one can only take so much before they snap.


I’ve always seen relationships as a rope. Over time, this rope may become old and withered through trials and tribulations. But once this rope breaks, it can never be truly whole again. You might try to tie a knot or do some patch work, but its strength will never be as strong as before.




Hence, it wasn’t long before his partner started to feel the widening cracks in the relationship and decided to walk out and find someone who loved and respected her the way she did.


The man was heartbroken, but thought she just needed some time off and would come back. When she didn’t, he began to tremble in fear. The thought of losing her forever scared him and he was ready to do anything to bring her back. That’s when he came to me for help.


After our sessions, she did come back into his life. They eventually got married and even had a child together. This is where things take an unfortunate turn.


Despite having a family with the love of his life, he couldn’t get over his propensity to cheat and lie to her. This created a twisted relationship where she would keep leaving because of his behaviour and he would keep trying to get her back through my help with spells. In fact, he is my client till date.



My spells were aimed at bringing her back, which they did. But how does a relationship like this work when one partner is willing to dedicate their whole life to their partner, but the other just can’t get over their adulterous ways?


In such situations, you can’t even blame luck. It’s the choices we make that shape our lives.

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