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4 signs you are cursed

Witchcraft is an art. An ancient magical art. Magic is the art of transformation – bending reality to create a new reality. As you can understand, we who deal with the energetic world have power and power that can sometimes corrupt. Thus, magic is not used exclusively for benevolent reasons. Sometimes, witchcraft targets the innocent and causes trouble such as disease. And as a “spiritual” disease, there are symptoms and there is a cure. Let’s dive into another lesson – protection from dark action.

The origins of magic

The word magic itself comes from the Persian word “makuç” belonging to a religious group of ancient Mesopotamia that practiced ritual magic. From this moment the word “Magi” and magic conquered the whole world.

There are many who practice witchcraft. Dealing with energetic actions requires experience and a high level of responsibility and seriousness in order not to harm the free will of that person but at the same time achieve what you want. We are all connected in an energetic network to each other, so we will try to reach the desired result with a minimum of ‘casualties’. However, there are situations where you want to hurt someone on purpose. Don’t close your eyes to the truth. Hence, this article will expose you to some of the symptoms of the damages when witchcraft is aimed at you.

Symptoms and signs when witchcraft is aimed at you

1. The initial result that a sorcerer will try to create is a strong sense of fear

The most important of all the signs linking the psychic attacks and various types of spells is fear. Whether summoning a demon or other types of parasitic entities, the first thing the sorcerer will try to achieve is to make you afraid. What to fear?

The bewitched person will develop anxieties and fears of things that do not exist. Fear of life itself.

Why fear increases dark magic?

Well, when you start to fear your aura translates your fears as something you want to see in your life. As you fear something and deepen your thoughts with that fear, you are sending a message to the universe that you want that fear to come true on some level. And whatever you want you will continue. Therefore, what you fear, most times will somehow be attracted to you. Fear opens astral gates from other realms and makes it easier for demons and dark magic to affect you.

2. Guilt and shame will destroy you slowly and surely

The second most “popular” demonic tool is guilt. This does not mean that every time you feel guilt or fear it indicates that you are bewitched, but most of the time, when a deliberate witchcraft attacks you, the feeling of guilt is completely irrational. You will feel shame in your body, for a feeling of erotic arousal, every thought that will run through your head will make you feel that you are wrong.

And what happens when you feel shame or guilt? Self-hatred is created.

Why guilt and shame strengthen dark magic?

Self-hatred works like the tide that slowly but steadily dissolves rock – any rock. The more guilt you feel, the more you hate yourself and the more hatred you feel, the less peace of mind you will have and the more a rift will be created in your soul.

3. Confusion and disconnection from reality

One of the most common symptoms of demonic influence is intrusive thoughts. The first thing a demon wants to accomplish is to prevent you from thinking clearly. Demonic influence causes confusion and a feeling of not being able to clear the head.

Why confusion strengthens dark magic?

When we are confused we tend to make bad choices. This prolongs the effect of the dark magic and makes room for the next attacks. You will feel that you cannot function. You will have difficulty thinking logically and the thoughts that will run through your mind will not give you rest until you lose your sanity.

4. Difficulties in sleeping

We spend about 1/3 of our time in bed. During this time our body and mind reset and we often on the astral plane receive information and healing from our spirit guides, our guardian angel or other beings. Our sleep is a small death that leads to our awakening – rebirth. In ancient Greece, death is a brother to the god of sleep and god to dreams. Every sleep is like going to the other side and when we return – when we wake up – we are reborn.

Demonic entities lurk in the dark and cause insomnia and bad dreams to prevent you from sleeping like you used to. Demons will use the patterns of your body to destroy it. The demons have learned over the ages how our bodies work. This is their key to destroying it.

There is a ‘cure’ for witchcraft and that is removal of the energetic action. A spell can be removed in different ways, I remove it through a spell.

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