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Did You Know These 5 Things About Lilith, the Goddess of Rage

Lilith’s story is one that warrants an entire movie dedicated to her. For centuries, she was known as a vengeful character from the bible — one who was banished from Eden for refusing to bow down to Adam. Today, she’s a seen as a feminist icon from mythology.


Also known as the first wife of Adam, it is believed that he truly loved her but Lilith had no wish to be subservient to a man. She wanted them to be equal partners. On being denied equal status, Lilith said goodbye to Eden.


If there’s someone you don’t want to annoy, it’s Lilith. Many studies on demonology have described how Lilith, unlike other demons, doesn’t work incognito. She’s proud about her identity and if someone is marked for demonic possession, Lilith will get the job done in no time.

Here are a few interesting things you need to about Lilith:


1. She’s a badass

This woman left her husband pining for her love and was banished from God’s kingdom for not occupying an inferior role in Adam’s life. God even smited her children for this, condemning them to damnation. As a form of vengeance, she is known to visit men in her dreams in a sexy avatar and steal their seed. If anyone can help you plot revenge on your ex, it’s probably her!


2. Pregnant women, beware!

As mentioned above, she is reaaalllyyyy vengeful about having her kids marked for damnation. Apart from stealing men’s seed to create more children, she’s also known to possess pregnant women and steal their babies. To that effect, she’s also known to take away newborn babies by snuffing them out in their sleep.


3. She is never named in the Bible

She is mentioned only once in the Bible, but under different names like ‘night creature,’ ‘night bird’ or ‘night monster,’ depending on the version you’re reading. The word ‘Lilith’ was likely derived from the Sumerian myth of ‘Lilitu’ — demon spirits of men and women who died young.


4. She was Adam’s first wife

Both Adam and Lilith were created from the earth. Hence, Lilith wanted to be treated as Adam’s equal. However, when Adam tried to force his sense of superiority over Lilith in order to make her submissive and attend to her wifely duties, she refused. Their quarrel snowballed into her expulsion from Eden and God created Eve as Adam’s partner from his rib. This way, Eve couldn’t argue that she was an equal since she was basically an extension of Adam.

5. You can keep her at bay through amulets

Though she is one of the strongest demons out there, there are amulets and incantations that can be used to keep her away. This is especially important for pregnant mothers, newborn/small children, or people who are building a new relationship. These amulets and texts keep Lilith away from you and your loved ones by shielding them from her untoward advances.


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