From fantasy to reality – your way to get everything you want and especially everyone you want!

Cosmic Call Amulet

This Charm is designed for those seeking to attract attention and leave an unforgettable impression. Thanks to the unique combination of two energy stones that enhance your ability to be focused and sharp, the bracelet also influences those around you. It is perfect for negotiation meetings and events where you aim to tilt the scale in your favor.

Size and Fit

24K Gold Plated Bracelet

Bracelet Length – 24 cm

Ring Chain Length – 5.5 cm

Stone Size – 1.5 cm by 1.5 cm

Oval Stone Size – Length 3 cm by Width 2.3 cm

  • Students – To improve concentration during studies and exams.
  • Business people – To ensure negotiations go in their favor.
  • Lecturers and teachers – To have a greater impact on their audience during lectures and classes.
  • Salespeople – To help persuade clients and increase sales.
  • Anyone seeking to enhance their internal ability to be focused and concentrated on their goals.
  • Anyone looking to fulfill a specific wish.
  • Improved Concentration – The charm helps you stay focused and sharp, making it easier to achieve your goals.
  • Increased Self-Confidence – Feel more confident in yourself and your abilities, both socially and professionally.
  • Success in Negotiations – Influence those around you with the charm’s attractive energy, resulting in greater success in negotiations.
  • Creative Inspiration – The charm will help you find new ideas and be more creative in various areas of life.
  • Inner Peace – Experience inner peace and calm, enabling you to operate efficiently under pressure and in challenging situations.
  • Wish Fulfillment – The charm will aid you in making your wish come true.

Make Your Wishes Come True

Shh… You’re now in on a special secret.

Moon Jewelry are more than just elegant accessories. Each piece serves as a powerful amulet, channeling the moon’s energy to manifest your deepest desires.

Seeking love, success, or happiness? A Moon Jewelry amplifies your journey to achieving your dreams.

Activating your Moon Charm is a magical little ritual that connects you to the moon’s mystical energy. Here’s how to do it.

Easy Steps to Get Started

  • Write Your Wish On a piece of blank white paper, write your name and your personal wish.
  • Place the Charm and Paper Together Ensure the charm is in contact with the paper containing your wish.
  • Moonlight Exposure Leave the charm and paper in a place bathed in direct moonlight, such as a windowsill or balcony, for two full nights. If there’s no moonlight, just keep them in total darkness.
  • Ready for Action After two nights, your charm will be ready to help you reach your goal. Wear it whenever you need a little extra support or guidance towards your aspiration.
  • Preserve Its Power After each use, store the amulet in darkness to maintain its magical properties.
  • Illustrative Images: Every piece of jewelry is lovingly handcrafted, thus the images on the website are for illustration purposes only. The actual product may vary, including the size of the stones, as they are natural and each has a unique shape, just as every soul is special in its own way.
  • Success Rate: It is important to understand that there is no 100% guarantee that the jewelry will fulfill your wish, and therefore no refunds will be given in such cases. However, most people report positive results and the fulfillment of their desires with the help of the jewelry.
  • Personal Jewelry: Each piece of jewelry is personal and should not be transferred from person to person, as it connects to the unique energies and requests of the individual wearing it.
  • Preservation of the Jewelry: The jewelry should be kept in the dark when not in use, and exposure to sweat, perfume, water, and anything else that could damage its delicate energy should be avoided.
  • Inherent Energy: Each piece of jewelry comes with built-in energy of protection, self-confidence, and self-love. Additionally, it can be activated for a specific purpose, as explained in the execution steps.
  • Proper Use: To ensure the maximum effect of the jewelry, the above-mentioned steps should be carefully followed. Proper use will allow the jewelry to achieve its purpose in the best possible way.
  • Warranty: The jewelry is delivered in the highest quality according to the specified conditions. In case of a product defect upon receipt, please contact us within 7 days of receiving the shipment so we can address the matter effectively.
  • Customer Information: All personal information provided during the order is kept strictly confidential and is only used to complete the order.
  • Cancellation Policy: Cancellation of the transaction is possible until the stage of production and actual shipping. In such a case, a full refund will be given minus handling, registration, and cancellation fees which can amount to up to 55$. Once the production of the jewelry has begun, no financial refund will be provided and the transaction cannot be canceled.



shared that they were more creative


shared that they succeeded in negotiations


shared that their wish came true


shared that their concentration improved


shared that they experienced inner peace

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Cosmic Call Amulet

Test Added

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words that don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text

קמע קריאת היקום

את המלכה שלי

קמע קריאת היקום

This made me believe in spirits Thank you for being such a person....I've never thought that my desires would ever be fulfilled.Thank you

קמע קריאת היקום

I believe in magics.🤗

קמע קריאת היקום

שמונה שנים אני איתך את משהו מיוחד

קמע קריאת היקום

תודה אני אוהבת אותך ! לא יודעת מאיזה חלל הגעת אבל את בן אדם מדהים וחכמה ותודה שהשם ישמור עליך וישמח אותך לעולמים !!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ See Translation

Thank you, I love you! I don't know what space you came from, but you are an amazing and smart person and thank you that God will protect you and make you happy forever!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

קמע קריאת היקום

דקלה שלי היקרה באמת לא מבינה מה את עבורי כל כך שמחה שזכיתי להכיר אותך, ושאת חלק מהחיים שלי, כי מאז הנפש שלי הרבה יותר רגועה . לא משנה מה אני עוברת בחיים כמו שאת רואה ואני עוברת . תמיד יודעת שיש לי תמקום הזה שיש לי למי לפנות בכל שעה ויש תמיד מישהי עבורי אוזן קשבת ותמיד שם לצידי שעוזרת לי בהכל קודם כל תודה על מי שאת . אוהבת אותךךךךךךךךךך עד השמים ובחזרה 💋💋💋 מאחלת לך חג שמח, ושנה טובה ומתוקה שפעעעעע של ברכהההההה, ופרנסה טובה ושהשנה הזאת תהיה לך הרבה יותר טובה מכל השנים הקודמות בכל המובנים ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ See Translation

My dear palm tree I really don't understand what you are to me I am so glad that I got to know you, and that you are a part of my life, because since then my mind is much calmer. No matter what I go through in life as you see and I go through. I always know that I have this place that I have someone to turn to at any hour and there is always someone who listens to me and is always there by my side helping me with everything. First of all, thank you for who you are. I love you to heaven and back 💋💋💋 I wish you a Happy holiday, and a happy and sweet new year A lot of blessings, and a good livelihood And that this year will be much better for you than all the previous years in every way ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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