From fantasy to reality – your way to get everything you want and especially everyone you want!

What are your Spirits Trying to Tell You? Choose a Card and Find Out


Are you curious to see what the spirit world has in store for you? From picking the right deck, connecting with their energies, and interpreting the messages that come through, I will help you open up new doors and pathways of understanding.


Choose a card from these 9 cards to see what your spirits are trying to tell you.



Introduce heightened levels of activity and enthusiasm into your life. Stop delaying your tasks and act on them now. Only you are responsible for you. You are more than capable of doing the things you want to.



Radiate joy and magic! Sure, you’ve faced hardships, but they’re now in the past. Only your thoughts bring them into the present. Embrace what makes you happy without guilt. Remember, the energy you emit shapes your reality.



My message to you is self-love. Accepting and loving yourself as you are will bring healing, kindness, and peace. It’s the greatest gift you can offer yourself and those around you. Celebrate your unique self, free of judgment.



There are messages from your departed loved ones that await you. They exist on a higher spiritual plane, enveloped in love. They surround you, eager to share their love. They want you to move on with your life and do something for yourself. Forgiveness for yourself and others paves the way for growth.



I bring the reminder of life’s great cycle—birth, death, and rebirth. You should realize that nothing lives forever and everything is in a cycle of life and death.

Release any burdens you carry, and allow yourself to transform, you deserve to be the best version of yourself yet. You are free and magical, never forget that.



I gift you with harmony, magic, and the power of fantasy. Your imagination is crucial, it’s a creative force rooted in your soul. Respect your dreams, wishes, and desires. Embrace the magic within and around you. Miracles are waiting for you to happen.



Remember your wild nature. Don’t shy away from exploring the unknown or your potential. Trust your instincts. Honor the world as a part of you, just as you are a part of it. You’re a fertile field nurture your seeds and await the gifts that will sprout.



I want to remind you to heal yourself emotionally. Yes, others may have let you down. But your scars and pain will vanish the moment you let go. Let them flow away like water.

You’re stronger than you believe. Don’t let your wounds and scars shape your future, move on, forgive them and only then you will be able to make peace.


Spirit Guide

As your guide, I bring the gift of guidance and companionship. You may feel alone, or forget that we’re here for you. We, your spirit guides, though not of the physical world, cherish your growth from the spirit plane.


I love you dearly and i’m here for you. Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Reach out, chat with me.

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